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Queens Plaza, NY reimagined. Photo by Sam Oberter. |
Can nature, in all its unruly wildness, be an integral part of creative landscape design? In Wild by Design (Island Press, 2016), Margie Ruddick, Cooper Hewitt National Design Award winner, urges designers to look beyond the rules often imposed by both landscaping convention and sustainability checklists.
Instead, she offers a set of principles for a more creative and intuitive approach that challenges the belief that natural processes cannot complement high-level landscape design. After her talk Ruddick signs copies of the book, which is available in the Museum Shop ($40.50 Member price / $45 Non-member). This talk is offered as part of Smart Growth programming.
1.0 LU HSW (AIA) | 1.0 CM (AICP) | 1.0 PDH (LA CES)
Free Members; $10 Non-members. Pre-registration required. Walk-in registration based on availability.
Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Registration is for event planning purposes only and does not guarantee a seat. Online registration for Museum programs closes at midnight the day before the scheduled program.
Smart Growth is generously supported by the National Association of Realtors. Additional support is provided by Smart Growth America. |