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The program begins with a short tour of The Architectural Image, 1920-1950: Prints, Drawings, and Paintings from a Private Collection, during which senior curator, G. Martin Moeller, Jr. speaks about the deep impact of architecture and infrastructure on memories and experience as represented in the works. Look closely in the exhibition at how artists have portrayed the energy and drama of the built environment through observation and drawing from memory, and then give it a try yourself in a number of different drawing exercises. Bring B-type pencils (HB, 2B, 4B), a sketchbook or drawing pad, an eraser, and memories or images of your favorite buildings, cities, or other places.
1.5 LU (AIA)
$12 Member | $12 Student | $20 Non-member.
Please note: space is limited to 25 participants and requires pre-registration. Ages 18+.
Image: Louis Lozowick, New York, Lithograph, 1923. Image courtesy of Mary Ryan Gallery, New York.