National Building Museum

Smart Growth: Urban Innovation


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The landscape of cities is rapidly evolving, and how governments and businesses respond to challenges affects how we all live, work, and play. Gabe Klein has been a creative leader in making cities better. In his new book Start-Up City (Island Press, 2015) he delivers inspiration coupled with real-world ideas that are anchored in results, to remake cities into places that will be more resilient, sustainable, and enjoyable places to live. After the talk Klein signs copies of his book, which is available in the Museum's Shop (regular price:$22.00, NBM Member price:$19.80.)

1.0 LU HSW (AIA) | 1.0 CM (AICP) | 1.0 PDH (LA CES)

Free Members; $10 Non-members. Pre-registration required. Walk-in registration based on availability.

Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Registration is for event planning purposes only and does not guarantee a seat. Online registration for Museum programs closes at midnight the day before the scheduled program.

Photo courtesy of Island Press.

Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

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