National Building Museum

Smart Growth: Alexandria's New Front Door: Implementing the Waterfront Plan

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Prince St Garden and PromenadeAlexandria’s Waterfront Plan, approved in January 2012, is a vision for transforming this area of the city into a 21st-century world-class waterfront. Coming attractions include a redesigned landscape that adds 5.5 acres of public and open space, a signature plaza at the foot of King Street, improvements and expansion of the marina, walkable connections for the length of the waterfront, and key flood mitigation measures. Join the City of Alexandria Planning and Zoning Department for an overview of the past, discussion of the present, and vision for the future, as this historic port city returns to the water. Presenters include, Robert M. Kerns, AICP, Development Division chief and  Nancy J. Williams, principal planner, and Tony Gammon, P.E., acting deputy director, Department of Project Implementation, City of Alexandria.

1.0 LU HSW (AIA) | 1.0 CM (AICP) | 1.0 PDH (LA CES)

Free Members; $10 Non-members. Pre-registration required. Walk-in registration based on availability.

National Association of Realtors logo Smart Growth is generously supported by the National Association of Realtors. Additional support is provided by Smart Growth America.





Tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. Registration is for event planning purposes only and does not guarantee a seat. Online registration for Museum programs closes at midnight the day before the scheduled program.

Image: Rendering of the proposed Prince St Garden and Promenade. Image courtesy of the City of Alexandria

Time: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

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