DC Public School High School Students Tackle Sustainability through Murals
Transform DC is a mural project where DC public school students work collaboratively to create large scale murals that are installed either at their base school or as a part of a city-wide culminating public installation. The murals are a part of the project-based learning Transform Cornerstone curriculum for grades 9 through 12 and in collaboration with local artist Patrick McDonough.
This year students worked to tackle issues of sustainability and theme of Sankofa: Look Back, Move Forward. This community celebration day will highlight the murals created by DCPS High School students on the West Lawn of The National Building Museum.
Free, drop in. No registration required. All ages welcome.
"Washington, D.C. is home to some of the biggest politicians in the U.S., but more importantly it’s home of a vibrant community of culture and love. We are all responsible for the upheaval of the environment, and in D.C. this is even more so. In our mural, we made sure to include icons of the metropolitan area like the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument. In addition to these major sites, we highlighted the smaller aspects of the D.C. communities. For example, our team incorporated an urban community garden, which are scattered across our city. Environmental stewardship is not only doing what you can do to help the environment, but what we as communities and citizens can do together. D.C. is a city of pride, love, and passion. We hope to have represented all these characteristics in our mural."
-Aaron Mendez, 10th Grade
This community celebration day is presented as part of the Museum's Climate ABC series.
Image: Monumental Growth painted by Laura Esly Codija-11th Grade; Mariama Diop-11th Grade; Fabiha Hatem-11th Grade; Haley Howard-11th Grade; Caio Iseppe-10th Grade; Julia Kelly-10th Grade; Aaron Mendez-10th Grade; Luca Strohl-10th Grade; Ben Shelsby-10th Grade;Max Eller-10th Grade.